
My name is Yuliya and I welcome you to my cosy corner of the internet, a place filled with empathy, creativity, and a firm commitment to helping as many founders as possible build successful businesses.

I've made it my mission to guide and empower a unique breed of entrepreneur - what I affectionately call "small giants". These are the small, very often single-managed businesses that are brimming with incredible ideas and boundless potential. But what typically holds them back is their ability to communicate the remarkable value they bring to the table.

Here are some very common misconceptions my clients have about business and themselves:

  • I must rigidly follow established business models to be successful.

  • Who am I to change the world?

  • My clients do not value what I offer.

  • Marketing, at its core, is manipulation

If you have recognised your own thoughts here, you are not alone and these thoughts are not true. And this realisation is the start of a transformational journey to discover your true self, tap into your own potential and share your gift with the world without fear.

With over a decade of experience in corporate marketing, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. My areas of expertise include funnel strategy, copywriting and design. However, my real strength lies in bridging the gap between the ability to express yourself in a clear, authentic way and combining this with business and marketing skills.

My journey is deeply rooted in my belief that marketing should be a conversation – an authentic exchange that mirrors our natural offline interactions. I reject the notion that marketing is a mysterious villain and instead see it as a means to build genuine connections and make a positive impact.

You're in the right place, if you are:

  • A passionate online coach, expert or trainer who values authenticity, empathy and quality in your client relationships.

  • Eager to overcome self-doubt and unlock your true potential, but concerned that you're not effectively communicating the unique value of your offerings or attracting the right clients.

  • Frustrated by traditional marketing approaches that feel salesy and inauthentic, struggling to articulate the value of your products and services, and uncomfortable with self-promotion.

  • Passionate about coaching and training, but find the business side overwhelming, especially when it comes to marketing strategies.

  • Want to regain confidence, overcome fear barriers and achieve a work-life balance that avoids burnout.

  • Want to engage in marketing activities that align with their values, feel authentic and connect with prospects in a genuine and empathetic way.

  • You want to confidently demonstrate the unique value you bring, create a business that aligns with your values, and make a positive impact on your clients' lives.

  • Valuing authenticity, empathy, quality, resilience and continuous growth in your approach to coaching and training.

  • Prioritise holistic wellbeing, continuous development and flexibility in your lifestyle.

    If these challenges resonate with you, know that you're not alone and that I'm here to help you overcome them and achieve your goals in your coaching, training or expert career.

More about me

Ich habe eine Kaufsucht, und zwar ich kaufe Kinderbücher. Ich kann damit nicht aufhören und ich bin fasziniert, wie viel Sinn man mit wenigen Wörtern und passenden Bildern übertragen kann.

I have a buying addiction, and that is, I buy books, especially children's books. I can't stop, and I'm fascinated by how much meaning you can convey with just a few words and matching pictures.

Ohne mein Fahrrad kann ich mir mein Leben nicht vorstellen. Mittlerweile fahre ich ein E-Bike, das ich sehr stolz 2-Räder-Tesla nenne ;)

I can't imagine my life without my bicycle. In the meantime, I ride an e-bike that I very proudly call 2-wheeled Tesla. ;)

Ich liebe Sprachen zu lernen und zu sprechen. Deutsch ist nicht meine  Muttersprache. Und ich hatte sehr lange gezögert, ob ich einen Blog auf Deutsch anfangen soll. Interessanterweise waren die grössten Schranken in meinem eigenen Kopf.

I love learning and speaking languages. English is not my mother tongue. And I had hesitated for a very long time whether to start a blog in English. Interestingly, the biggest barriers were in my own head.

Oh Avocado, ich kann ein Lied über sie singen. Ich kann Avocado zu allem essen und mache sogar Dessert damit.

Oh avocado, I can sing a song about it. I can eat avocado with everything and even make dessert with it.